National Shipping Service for Croatia

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Package delivery services and sending shipments throughout Croatia are some of the most common services provided by MBE. There are many ways to ship your package anywhere in the country. But when you use MBE’s package delivery service, you’ll quickly understand why thousands of customers choose us as the only solution for all of their deliveries…

You get straightforward, direct customer support. There are no complicated offers with a bunch of hidden costs. There are no confusing bills or vague procedures that you have to adjust to.

Many couriers have very rigid rules regarding the dimensions, weights and contents of the packages they deliver. MBE ensures that you will never have a delivery refused or returned for not meeting these requirements. We will receive and send all your shipments and find the optimal solution for each of them.

A three-metre-long umbrella? A roll of carpet? A guitar, wine bottles or bike? The iPad you left at Split airport? (This is a real example. We collected the iPad at the lost-and-found counter, packed it to make sure it wouldn’t be damaged and sent it safely back to its owner.) And all same-day and next-day deliveries across Croatia.

MBE tackles even the most difficult national shipping challenges. Whatever your delivery needs are in Croatia – very small or very large packages, sending packages occasionally or sending a hundred every day – send an inquiry to and see what MBE can do for you!

Our customer support will help you to pack and ship

Contact us, we will be happy to help!